Headend and Room Schematics
Headend rack and room schematics are the detailed point-to-point wiring diagrams used to wire equipment racks and room electronics. They’re also used during system programming, servicing, and upgrades. They’re easy-to-read and fully descriptive regardless of system size or complexity. The drawings can be used to monitor the progress of rack wiring by using the built-in wire symbol installer color feature.
Schematic Devices
Easily create stand-alone (card frame) and plug-in card devices. Edit all I/O port details with the Schematic Editor. Symbol headers are automatically color-coded for easy category identification. Schematic devices can be created directly on the schematic page or automatically by transforming block devices on the block diagram into schematic devices using the Copy Shapes feature. Symbols can show new, existing or future device status and device data.
Schematic Wires
Schematic wires can either be created directly on the schematic page or by automatically transforming room wires on the block diagram into headend schematic wires using the Copy Shapes feature. Input, output, input/output, and interconnect schematic wires can show real-world wire color. All wire text stays in proper alignment when moving the wire or wire ends saving time by positioning text only once. Schematic wires can be labeled manually or sequentially by using the Wire ID Labeling feature.
Wire Terminations
Schematic I/O wire connection details are shown using wire termination symbols. Each I/O port on a schematic device symbol can refer to a specific wire termination symbol by its Detail number. Industry standard examples and customizable terminations are provided and show all connector pinouts, conductor labels, colors, and functions eliminating techs from having to look elsewhere for product termination details. These symbols are shown on the Wire Termination page and specific termination symbols used in a project can be copied to the schematic pages for easy access and viewing. Specific termination symbols used in a project can also be highlighted in green. The example shown represents a 2-channel bridged speaker output.
Schematic I/O Editor
Easily configure and edit each of the I/O ports using the Schematic Editor form. The editor can be selected from the symbol's right-click menu. Input ports are shown on the left and output ports are shown on the right side of the editor. Each port can be configured by typing or selecting from the drop-down lists text for the silkscreened Label, the basic Type of termination, the Polarity of the connector, and the Detail number which references the specific wire termination symbol on the termination page. I/O ports can also be easily copied from one device symbol to another. The example shown represents the I/O configuration for an AV receiver.
AC Power and Ventilation
Simple one-step System Power and Ventilation report shows how many electrical circuits are needed and the proper ventilation required for the project’s safe and reliable operation.
Wire References
Simple, two-part wire reference symbols with multiple shape, color and text choices prevent wire clutter in schematic drawings with no loss of connection information. Power references can show wall-wart and power-pack model numbers.