Full-System Block Diagram
Not your typical line diagram but a valuable and professional design tool providing a fast, easy, and accurate single-page drawing of the entire project design and wiring infrastructure. This single diagram generates instantaneous wire schedules and bill of materials and provides diagrams of individual rooms and headends for on-site verification of area wiring and design. The block diagram also features the ability to transform block diagram symbols into detailed schematic and rack elevation symbols, enabling those drawings to be created faster, easier and with minimum chance of error.
Brainstorm your full project layouts before making product choices, or design on-the-fly by picking products as you go. Either way, you’ll have an accurate picture with the necessary details to establish sales quotes and unambiguous full-system designs for the big presentation. Your layouts then become the foundation for all next stage engineering drawings and documentation.
Begin the full-system design by dropping and naming the headends, rooms and room areas on the drawing page. These spaces then become containers for your chosen wire and devices and move together on the page. All wire and device symbols conveniently inherit the space’s naming and location data.
Block Devices
Color-coded block device symbols attract to the page grid and guides for easy drawing alignment and layout. The symbols automatically inherit important location data from the spaces they’re in and can be easily linked and created from your company catalog or specification data spreadsheet. Schematic devices can be easily created from block devices using the Copy Shapes feature. Symbols can show new, existing, or future device status and device data.
Headend Wire Groups
A wire group symbol is the data source for all matching room wires and can represent any standard or custom wire type, including number of conductors, real-world jacket color, color stripe, and wire function. Each wire group symbol automatically keeps track of matching room wire totals and automatically sends its wire-type information including its connected headend device to the matching room wires in the block diagram.
Room Wires
Room (Block) wire symbols automatically inherit their headend wire group data and connected device models. This data is important for automatically generating schematic wires and prewire schedules. Wire totals are automatically tallied as you add, copy, or delete room wires on the block diagram. The Copy Shapes feature automatically transforms room wires into floor plan and schematic wires on their respective pages. All wire text stays in proper prospective when moving the wire or wire-ends saving time by positioning the text only once. Room wires can be labeled manually or sequentially by using the Wire ID Labeling feature.
Page Legend
Automatically generate block diagram page legend for easy block device symbol identification.
Prewire Schedules
Automatically generate prewire schedules sorted by wire type, room or wire ID.
Bill of Materials
Automatically generate Project BoMs from the block diagram sorted by manufacturer or room.